Saturday, March 12, 2011

Here, have a condom!

My life always manages to make me laugh. It can be completely crazy and then bam, something weird but  funny happens. Story of my life. I guess it's a good thing. No matter how bad things seem you need to take a minute and laugh, smell the roses, have a glass of something that helps YOU get by. I need a little laughter..and

Anyhoo, weird & funny moment...
At my anonymous work place(lol) I have to take copies of people's drivers license. Well, today a decked out older lady (60'ish) came in. Let's just say that she really loves her be-dazzle machine. Let's call her Diva Geneva.
I asked Diva Geneva for her drivers license and she fumbled through her purse. She quickly handed me her drivers license...... with a Ribbed Condom too!!Ahhh, I wanted to laugh but couldn't. Yep, a big ol' silver wrapped condom. There it was right on top of the license and my thumb was on it! Ewww and Haaaaa, right?! All I could spit out was "Oh, Oh, uh, Umm I don't think  I need this". Diva Geneva replied " OH OH, but I doooo honey!" and quickly grabbed it back. LOL Get it Gurllllllll, Get It!!!!!! LOL and

Ahh laugh a little...

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