Thursday, March 17, 2011


Wud Up Bloggers!
I'm super excited. I just booked a mini getaway for me, my mom, and my sister. With all the chaos surrounding me it will be fabulous!!! We usually go away for our birthdays. Mom's(aka BooBo) birthday is in May. My sister and I will surprise her. BooBoo LOVES ghosty things so we always try to stay in a haunted Inn or Hotel. Scary place to stay-Check! The night usually end with a couple bottles of wine gone, someone peeing her pants from laughing, filling in Mad Libs with dirty words, and a whole lotta talking.

What is the bad side to the trip? Dear God, I take it you(readers) have never slept with my Mom or Sister? HA! It's a real treat.

My beautiful sister(Junior) grinds her teeth so hard it gives me shivers. Junior always demands the roll-away or extra bed to avoid sleeping with BooBoo. So who does that leave BooBoo to sleep with...ME. LOL

BooBoo night night time.It starts out ok.. at first. Then the tossing and turning begins. The scratching on her arms and stomach follows. Never forget the "Are you hot" question.  I try to fall asleep but SHIT, BooBoo always falls asleep first and then it begins(Que the music) "Cock-Ing". LOL

My Cock-Ing defintion:
When a person is sleeping with their mouth wide open and breathing heavily. The Cock'ing noise sounds like your saying cock slowly and very faintly.Go ahead and try it.... C OooCkkk  C OooCkkk

Hope ya enjoyed the blog..keep on readin'. My life is never dull.
Love to all-Vundi

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I love my typical girlie movies and Eat-Pray-Love was great. It had a couple slow moments but the story behind it made up for it. I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes from the movie. I also saw this movie with my mom and sister at the beach so it just makes me happy. I need to go buy it :)

Also, the book..good read.

Quotes I like so maybe you will too?

Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

"Operation Self-Esteem--Day Fucking One."

"Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be." 

 "I’m here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me."

"Tis' better to live your own life imperfectly than to imitate someone else's perfectly." 

 "There’s a crack in everyone…that’s how the light of God gets in." 

"I think I deserve something beautiful." 

"Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You really need to be certain it's what you want before you commit." 

"The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving." 

"Look for God. Look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water." 

Ahh, I could go on and go watch the movie or pick up the book..go, NOW! lol


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Night Night Time for Bulldog!

I'm an English Bulldog!

Oh little baby girl of mine. English Bulldog aka "Bully's". I think she thinks she has every right to run this pad and BULLY us. LoL. Omg, I love her with my entire heart but when she wants something she will surely tell you and if needs to bully..oh she will. I was just trying to log in on my laptop. As I type she is "all up in it" and literally pushing my laptop shut with her paw. I argue with her like she is human. She is snorting and snotting. I took a picture to give you an idea why this hot mess is also so freakin adorable. AHHHHHH I love her<3 <3 <3

Treadmill, I hate you.

I hit the gym today. I have a love/hate relationship with the basterd. I hate it because it makes me feel like a fat sweaty hamster. Yep, goooo hamster, keep running and running. It has a stupid flashy center and it taunts me with how much time I have left. It makes me say curse words and have bad thoughts.Lol

I love it because it works. That's the only reason I keep getting back on the son of a bitch.It's that simple.How much have I lost this year? Well, I'm down the weight of a 6th grader.

I haven't told anyone but I would love to run a 5k one day. Hmm, could that be a bucket lister? I think so. It sounds better saying 5K because people automatically think 5K is 5 miles but womp womp.. its only 3miles.Lol. 3 miles is a LOT for me. I just started this exercising business. Sheesh.

I have only ran on the "tred" (gym talk,lol) and I'm scared to death of running outside. It's is totally different than the tred. I have already told myself that I can't do it. Bummer right, I know. I gotta get over's stupid. I can do anything. I think.LOL

Well, wait I guess I just lied because I have 1 follower so now he/she  knows my 5k flashy  secret. Oh Oh and my sister. She is probally stalkin...right about....NOW! LOL. I love you Junior.

How exciting. Thank you for hearing my big secret 1 follower and Junior! :D

I got punched

Hello All,
   I'm trying to keep up with my blog. Who knows it could be blogger famous  one day. I hear they give awards out. Mhmm one follow, read, and get entertained by me. 

 On to the subject line. I got punched, punched hard. Have you ever gotten news that instantly makes you feel like you got sucker punched right in the gut? Or you think your heart may have stopped for a second? Well, that is what just happened to me on Tuesday night.

   I have never gotten "bad"news from a best friend. I'm the type of friend, best friend, who tries to fix anything just to make him/her happy again.  My bff's are like my family. I can't fix this. I thought nothing bad could ever happen to bff's. Sadly, that's just what I was always just kinda prayin' for. I'm heart broken. I just assumed we would all be one big happy group of  best friends and live happily ever after.

    One of my bff's is sick.I wish I could help. I wish there was something I could say. I wish that I could push a pause button and hug "P" forever. I wish that I would have followed my gut sooner.

I wish, I wish, I wish... 

     I don't know much right now and feel semi helpless. When I know more and can even try  to put it into words I will update my blog on "P" <3

     Just asking for you, readers, send healthy loving vibes at this time. Me and "P" could use it.

Here, have a condom!

My life always manages to make me laugh. It can be completely crazy and then bam, something weird but  funny happens. Story of my life. I guess it's a good thing. No matter how bad things seem you need to take a minute and laugh, smell the roses, have a glass of something that helps YOU get by. I need a little laughter..and

Anyhoo, weird & funny moment...
At my anonymous work place(lol) I have to take copies of people's drivers license. Well, today a decked out older lady (60'ish) came in. Let's just say that she really loves her be-dazzle machine. Let's call her Diva Geneva.
I asked Diva Geneva for her drivers license and she fumbled through her purse. She quickly handed me her drivers license...... with a Ribbed Condom too!!Ahhh, I wanted to laugh but couldn't. Yep, a big ol' silver wrapped condom. There it was right on top of the license and my thumb was on it! Ewww and Haaaaa, right?! All I could spit out was "Oh, Oh, uh, Umm I don't think  I need this". Diva Geneva replied " OH OH, but I doooo honey!" and quickly grabbed it back. LOL Get it Gurllllllll, Get It!!!!!! LOL and

Ahh laugh a little...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why my name and picture for my profile?! Are ya wondering?!

The picture is a blown glass heart. It's a piece of jewelry that inspired my last tattoo (October,2010). It looks pretty close...lots of pretty shades of green. I love it. Of course it has meaning but if I told you what it meant then it would give way to much info on meeeee. Sorry Charlie. I got the tattoo on the top of my right shoulder. Pretty big and special..awww,lol.

Next... VUNDI!
How I got the name Vundi?! Well, it's a nick name that I got from my sis and her husband. Thinking back on how I got this nick name's kind of a fucked up story! LOL.

My brother is TRYING to learn German. I guess he was practising his German as I pulled up to their house one day and he yelled to my sister "Vunerbar, your sister is here" Which translates to "Oh Wonderful, your sister is here"....that sarcastic ath-hole! LOL

Some how it got shortened to Vundi, and well, it stuck...
I know I'm spelling and saying  it wrong...I do it on purpose to annoy my brother in law....smooches "G"  
My sis also pronounces it wrong. She doesn't care at all and it annoys him.... which in turn amuses us. HAAA

Shot in the foot!

Hello my bloggy friends,
     I can't say who or where I work so don't ask, aight?! LOL-But I will tell you this....I would rather be shot in the foot than do this for the rest of my life.  I need to go back to school. I already have my 4yr degree and thought I was done but I don't think this line of work suits me at all. GRRRR....what to do....what to do....??

I ran 2 miles today. I felt like a sweaty hamster running and running on the treadmill. I think I need to try to run outside...I hear it's way different tho. I keep thinking I can't do it. I need to get past that and just try.

Any other bloggerss hate his/her job and would rather be shot?
Any other bloggers there a huge difference w treadmills and outdoor running? Can I do it..or will I die?

Peace out